Monday, November 12, 2012

Beats By Dr Dre Solo troops are numerous

To understand, how do you think?"
The Yao Chong understands Li Long Ji's meaning and really want in Western Regions greatly a dozen ground words, he also has no objection.However, he is a prime minister, must try to be practical, wanted to think a way:"Your Majesty, a big food enough we beat of, not worthwhile again provoke big Qin."
Sung also agrees with this words:"Your Majesty, Yao mutually the pole talked BE.Depend on our understand, beating down should be not difficult, however, how manage will be problem.Is after all too faraway, replenishment's increasing to aid is all great problem.Beat down, can not manage well, have an advantage at big Tang?"
This kind of misgiving is quite right, Li Long Ji didn't deliver words right away, way:"Two Qings didn't don't make sense the Lyu, was quite right.But, big Tang really wants west to enter with all strength of words, greatly food and empires in Rome all can not hold up against big Tang's cavalry, knowing perfectly welling can beat down, but don't beat, and I shout at the unwilling heart!Chen Wan Rong, you are just thinking what?"
Chen Wan Rong's eyebrows tightly locks, is contemplating, on listenning to this words, way:"If the Your Majesty, really needs to think a dozen, don't necessarily can not manage."
"!What way do you have?"Li Long Ji anxiously asks a way very much.
Beating affirmation is to beat down, only, can not manage.If the words that really can manage have to beat, Yao Chong and Sung are also the Rao has fascination of looking at Chen Wan Rong.
"Your Majesty can become big Tang's colony to here!"The way that confidence is hundred percent of Chen Wan Rong:"As for reason permit a small and soft way of minister!"

The fourth empire collision chapter 51 keeps a war by war
Renew time:2009-11-514:01:34 chapter word numbers:6105

Colony?"This word is very fresh, Li Long Ji, Yao Chong and Sung are very
The Chen glory late gives them the explanation way:"The colony is to move to here to big Tang's person, let them set up household, as time passes, belong to big Tang here of."
Li Long Ji's point reviews a way:"This not is immigrate a solid side?"
Chinese ancient times adopts the plan of immigrating the solid side for the sake of the stability of solution frontier, good supported the stability of frontier.Colony and immigrate a solid side some look like, the but again is different.
Chen Wan Rong is tiny a shake head a way:"Your Majesty, twos are a bit close by, the but again is different.Immigrate a solid side however is a frontier in big Tang, but the colony can be far some, if we beat under the big food and empire in Rome, the son people of were it not for and certain amount lives here and and is hard to maintain its stability."
Li Long Ji agrees with to the this words deep form:"That pours BE, after all leave big Tang here too far, want to effectively manage really is a problem.Colony's pouring is a quite good viewpoint.Any wish goes to, imperial government encourage, have a great achievement, imperial government rich reward."
Chen glory late hasn't said, he put forward to come, Chen the glory late have to admire his advisability:"Emperor's saint is clear!From time immemorial, any battles, necessarily and first prepare food grass, big Tang's this time west advertises for, the troops are numerous, and the food grass needed is more.The minister thinks that if the words that recruit from the hinterland, because the journey is too faraway, almost impossible, as a result the minister decides this battle'keep a war by war', make use of the resources, food grass greatlying food and empire in Rome to is used by us."
"Keep a war by war?"This parlance isn't unfamiliar to our modern people, to Chinese people they early is using this strategy, but have no to definitely put forward.Li Long Ji suddenly smells under some surprise, subsequently is a shot Zhang to praise highly a way:"Well said!The big food leaves big Tang too far, if adjust to transport food grass weapon from the hinterland, only the depletion of this road enough lets people are subjected to of, by all means is a world vibration."
The Yao Chong masters in governmental affairs, eyebrows a wrinkly, remind 1:"Your Majesty, this viewpoint surely is good, but a not good will arise resisting of big food common people."
Keep a war to make reference to bottom by war is a depredation, the dimensions didn't have confidence to arise a dispute well and by all means.For reminding him, Chen Wan Rong is to agree with very much, however, Chen Wan Rong has another viewpoint:"Yao mutually, this matter I once considered.There are an old words calling'Jie Ze but fishing', the meaning is to say desperation, old backgrounds all to make to have no.We send army to Western Regions this time, have to notice proper restraint, don't can make this kind of affair, don't arise a dispute possibly.
Sung also delivered words:"The viewpoint is good.But this kind of war.Want to want not and arise a dispute also to be difficult.It is difficult to do."
Chen Wan Rong but is that the confidence is hundred percent:"Sung mutually please trust.I thought bottom.Big Tang at greatly the food has severals with advantage condition.One is greatly eat recently rising.A lot of places are to lately accept of ground.Haven't blended.The ground holdout is carrying on here.We make profit to use good this condition.Two is big Tang higher at the my ground cognition.In China history.This takes to still never and thus approve China civilization.This is us ground advantage.Also want to make use of like."
Tang dynasty period.Middle East is very high to China civilization ground cognition.If not that Gao Xian Zhi loses war at Luo Si."Disorderly Anne's history" ground words happens to morrow again.Middle East not definitely the ability Islam turn.
Li Long Ji has outstandingly strategic taste.Nod to agree with:"Want to let a piece of place merge into an integral whole.The demand is very long-term.Only few decades which will succeed.Big Tang get here.Can those objection big food ground the person Be kind to add to treat.Can they do my ground king.But.Real strenght not the ability is too strong.Otherwise not control.This calls to divide but makes it."
This is nicely and slightly the plan.The Chen Wan Rong shot Zhang approves:"Emperor's saint is clear!The third big Tang Di beneficial condition is big food of Tang Bi Da Dun and empire in Rome Be getting more advanced.We have no slave.But they still have.Big food is also with loot a slave for happy event.Big Tang can be in the wake of is vomiting Fan ground way of doing.Rescind a slave.Give them free.Give them the property.Let they the stability ground make a living."
The social system of tang dynasty far and far compares big food and empire ground forerunner of Rome, it is the magic weapon of the most powerful tang dynasty to rescind a slave, definitely be good friends with good make use of.This, developed while advertising for a war to vomit Fan endless of power.Though Tang Jun at vomit killing of Fan very heavy, vomit Fan common people but is to support tang dynasty with all strength, make reference to bottom, was the slaves to once think the best day.
This matter, Li Long Ji doesn't have reason different idea and nod a way:"Say very to, this goes to pass importance!Pretty person will break, can't constuct, they are Jie Ze but fishing.Big Tang be not, big Tang is the nation of kind and justice, can not only break, but also be good at construction.I decide that beat after these places, must manage well, let the common people here lead last Anne to living a day, they just can't resist big Tang, would sincerely support big Tang."
The common people ground request isn't high, only have so a little, the day livinging for his stable Anne went.If tang dynasty elephant lift to pull that sort desperation ground to break, is not likely to get the popular support here, this time west advertises for even if successful, also however is flashy just, only manage good, get the popular support here, so as to last long to radicate.
The Yao Chong greatly approves this words:"The pole that emperor talks is to have reason!Big Tang not only has no slave, but also is good at construction, this is also big Tang's advantage, also want to make use of like."
The social system of tang dynasty is a feudal system, compare with slave's system to want advanced must compare.Lie in more, there is already several thousand years of civilization history in China, accumulating Dian ground the civilization is extremely brilliant, construction home is China of specialty.And this enlightened monarch of Li Long Ji, at greatly the food promote a set of is more similar than tang dynasty ground the system isn't impossible, is very probably.
Chen Wan Rong greatly fig ups a way:"Your Majesty, unless ten thousand can not help, we can not make breakage and want much construction possibly.Only constuct good,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, the common people would support and adore big Tang.We still need to collect tax, otherwise, we are several 100,000 big
Make a living.However, collect tax possibly lightly."
Sung ground voice some Gao:"From time immemorial, Ke's donating high taxes is disorderly government most and usually arise common people to revolt but rise, the light Yao is thin to endow with is root."
The light Yao is surely thin to endow with right, however, that has to also have a limit, be can not let big Tang Dao Tie .Can not make big Tang be getting stronger, own more wealths.Only so, the tang dynasty can promise awe dint.
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