Thursday, November 8, 2012 contents of fightin

Not speak.
The gold sea recruits the person whom the outside hasn't spread out and comes back and calculated calculate, there are 34 people, also true many!
If Luo the aggressive that easily sees everyone is all so high, he also not like say what lose power and have to cope with a way:"I see the detailed contents of fighting skill first, we are saying in the afternoon, not very good?"Several individuals are all bigger than him, he still really not does the openings give order toward them.
Zhang Hui Ge et al also thinks to urgently don't go while letting gold sea and gold Huang accompany him temporarily, they severals want chase person first separate for a while, everybody is responsible for severals, otherwise later nobody tube, the possibility for having an accident greatly increases.
Don't say that they are in own busy affair, Luo easily at under the leading of gold sea, again from lately returned to underground cave, passage in of they once saw of a few fighting skills all saw once again.See once each time, he feels the problem of this cave very big, can problem actually where, he is still not understand.All of fighting skills are the things of ancients, the writing is crude difficult to understand, but he can also cope with and pass by and he ownly inside achievement contrast, choose four kinds of inside achievement, as for recruit type, now their everybody much and a little bit recruit type, need not so hasty, have no inside achievement, none of other functions is very big.
Cost for an afternoon, he four kinds of movement routes of fighting skills according to the literalness hint, did out one by one, some places he wants to be certainly do adjust, certainly, he is after he circulates just do, he has never thought to appear to go off accidentally to go into an evil phenomenon.
The time that is quick to the supper finally has finally comes to completion, underground cave after, he drive at present of the condition got a fright, all people, including several individuals of Zhang Hui Ge,, all very quiet station's outside in rush shed, see their appearances, always all here, have never done thou another affair, feel very suddenly in his heart, oneself should wholeheartedly of devotion, in spite of have what result, just this kind of drive the felling for respecting, make him feel to do to be worth everything.
Gold toward rising to head for him, way:"Luo's brothers, you are our teachers hereafter, although we don't know outside of the person is how to know, the old man in the audibility clan once says a words, on the first is teacher, life long is father!Please be subjected to everyone a do obeisance!"Say, stand the person here, all kept on kneeling very politely, including several individuals of Zhang Hui Ge, also have just let him came out of gold sea and gold Huang.
Luo easily this time can really have a little hasty, he not want to say have no so experience, have, he also have no quilt several viewpoints that kowtow for him than his big person, this is absolutely wanting his life and give in his induction green Ling a few small guy fighting skills of time, also just let their facing face river's direction Ke threes.His hurried he also knelt down and called a way:"Open widely an elder brother, you don't want so, otherwise I don't teach!"Zhang Hui Ge sees him really hasty and also complied with the surrounding to stand, way:"Now that Luo's brothers said, as long as everyone's intention arrived good, hereafter record in mind, don't so difficult Luo's brothers."Gold toward rising several individuals to get up first, again pull Luo easily get up.Other talented persons get up and see their facial expressions, incredibly the face boudoir of no one exposes a dissatisfied facial expression, probably they are really sincerities such!
This a moment, make Luo easily feels of not only the burden on the body, at the same time, real of handed in own hearts all, dark decide, anyway, also want to give them an answer of satisfaction, be can not attain ideal situation, so, at the time that they went out, oneself musted do the best to protect these people.
Tidy up own the emotion for a while, Luo easily openings way:"I really appreciate the trust of everyone to me, however, I hereafter hope that everyone fit together by brothers good, I will definitely do the best, the fighting skill learned nowise reserves of pass everyone, we all return to have a meal now, the after meal still arrives concentration here, how?" He finally asks of is gold toward rising them.
Gold toward rising a point to nod, way:" Depend on brotherly of words!"
The supper didn't say of necessity, very quick everyone returned to a rush shed front again, at gold toward rising of lead under, they descend arrived cave.
Luo makes them all sit in seat of honor down in the ground and said:"I have now four kinds of inside the achievement can learn, probably the inside still has more, but now we want ~only this enough, however, how learn, I didn't°yet 1 plan, gold eldest brother, open widely an elder brother, do you see!"
The gold is toward rising a way:"We just already probably of the pair of person is for a while divide, 34 people, cent set press to originally patrol, four sets, each set learns similar, how?"
Luo easily calculated to calculate, also about, however, the number isn't very even, way:"That each set is eight people, your everybody takes a set, hereafter go out, also have to look after, rest of two, I want gold Hui and the gold Huang brothers a pair and go or not."He uses tone and gold that the company measures are toward rising to say.
Gold toward rising them even the considerations didn't consider, promise.
Four kinds of fighting skills all have no name, temporarily they give serial number, gold toward rising of is the first, Zhang Hui Ge of is the second, gold sea of is the third, gold wave of is the fourth.Luo easy way:"These four kinds of fighting skills are still difficult to divide what good and bad now, but I believe that their effects were just about, I once tried by myself."
"There being also a problem isn't what everybody can learn tonight, I want first to your reason for a while the blood vessels in the body, you have already led to learn inside the best time of achievement, however, don't worry too much, either, I will help you to dredge this first."
Everyone originally listenned to a words of his front and all a little bit disappointed, can behind of once the words export, everybody again all pleased smiling face opens.
"Like, everyone can return to first now, the person who leaves Group 1 is all right!"Zhang Hui Ge says.
Luo easily looking at everyone very generous of left hall, call eight people of the rest own of front of.The later affair wasn't importance so, he cost a great deal of of everybody's blood vesselses inside the body an oneself true spirit, all did to them for a 36 weeks a sky of inside achievement movement, almost make them have no resistance of can feel the true current of air in the body move, so were it not for foundation of the person want to learn, it is impossible to have no time in half year.
However, himself bitterness, an even several day, true the spirit all have a little in low spirits, however, his true the spirit add much quicker than the other people.Can there is still very greatly concealed one suffering from, didn't expose just now.
From now on, these, majority of time all in the hall of underground or is a self-discipline in the small cave in the passage their inside achievement.

The text chapter 6 heaven's will is difficult to disobey(up)
Renew time:2009-10-2016:59:41 chapter word numbers:6138

Since last night, Luo is easily restless, till the morning in the second day, gold Huang and gold Hui to see him of time, he still just own abode take a stroll.
"Luo's eldest brother but have what worry?See you don't take a rest so for a long time!"Gold Hui asking of concern way.
He orders to vomit, and then shakes, way:"Also have no what, your fighting skills do of how?"
The way of gold Hui excitement:"Progressing is a lot of, I could feel true spirit continuously to flow in the body, as long as the heart reads a to move, pubic region have a little reaction."
", BE!That is still true quite good!"He obviously has a little absent-minded of say, effect like this, as long as is do one one three years and two years of inside achievement, will have of reaction, certainly leave his request to still differ far.
"Have no what is up us to go to?"The gold Hui says, beginning cent set after, the gold Hui brothers a pair divides to Luo is easy, also be regarded as to regard as his personal use personnel, so, almost every day they the brothers a pairs all want to see Luo easily.
Luo easily orders, let their 2 people walked.At the same time, he feels walk around like this, will never be way, is not likely to work out the problem that he thinks, seem still want an outside to walk.
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